How To Migrate Your Post From wordpress To Blog

Currently I post my writing about computer and information technology in this blog. After I use Wordpress previously. I try to migrate from wordpress to blogger. Because from the beginning of my blogging I always using wordpress to post my writing. Moreover, because I use wordpress with free account so don’t many change I can edit in my template. But  at a glance blogger freely to change in design template, because I can still edit the HTML fo the template.
But the problem is how to migrate my post from wordpress to blogger.  It turns out there is a website tool that can conver file export from wordprses to export’s file blogger.  You can use this site  to convert export’s file wordpress to blogger export file.
If you have not kwown how to export file from wordpress follow this instruction. You can login to dashboard wordpress. after you have logged in, go to navigation bar in leftside and find Tool. Then click export and the click again export in the right side in Export Option colomn.
Nah.. you have have the wordpress’s export file then you can use to covert it. If you have got the outcome from convert tool you can import it to your blogger. If have not known the way, follow this instruction. Log in to then you click your site from some website you have and choose site you want to import the file. Then click setting and then click other find word Blog Tools. Next you can click import blog and you choose your blooger file then follow the input instruction and then klik Import Blog.
You have migrated to blogger.
